All About Unbreakable


Unbreakable reveals “The Matrix” of social, and sexual interactions. It shows you how your thoughts and feelings - your “inner game” -  become your body language and your words - your “outer game”… and the effect that has on the women you truly desire. 

Unbreakable is a masterclass on confidence and social dynamics, and once you’ve experienced it, you’ll never see yourself, or the world… the same. Whether your goal is one woman, lots of women, more success at work, or a better social life, Unbreakable is required for any serious student of the social arts.


Women don’t fall for a man’s game… they fall for a man. And make no mistake - they “test” you to see if you can be thrown off, or broken. They test you when you first meet them, when you’re dating them, and when you’re in a relationship with them. That’s because they need to know if you’re for real, or if you’re merely some bullshit artist, reciting some words you read online. 

So Unbreakable dissects social and sexual interactions, all the way down into your thoughts, and all the way up to hers. You’ll learn what your own confidence is truly made of, where it’s weak, and where it’s strong. You’ll learn what she’s attracted to, where her tests come from, and what she truly wants in a man. And you’ll see how your thoughts and words connect with hers, to make you or break you.

With this in place, you’ll learn how to create an Unbreakable reality and sense of self.  When you’re confident through and through… and when she can feel it in your body language and hear it in your words… and most importantly, when you know it for yourself… you’ll get the girl every time - and keep her for good.


Unbreakable is for the guy who can’t seem to make it happen with the women who he really wants. Something “breaks” when he’s talking to them… his confidence, his body language… his words… and she loses interest. It might happen after two minutes or after two months. But whenever it happens, it’s always the same cause: you’ve failed the test.

If that’s you, then you’ve got a chink in the armor. The women you want can feel it…  they know that that you’re not worthy of them. Unbreakable is how you will prove them wrong.

Whether you’re single and looking to finally break through the glass ceiling… or in a relationship and looking to improve yourself, your understanding of female psychology, and social interaction… you’re committed to achieving the best out of life. And Unbreakable is unquestionably for you.


It’s one thing to be able to attract, date and sleep with women… it’s another to be able to keep amazing women in your life. If you don’t “have it together” then women will figure it out sooner or later… which is exactly what kept happening with Christian. After an epic “life fail” - where he lost his girlfriend, his best friend, and his company within a two week period - he knew there was something broken in him.

But rather than studying traditional self-help, Christian took a more holistic approach. By applying his understanding of social dynamics to scientific fields as diverse as performance psychology, neurolinguistics and metaphysics, Christian pioneered a new way of understanding oneself - and life. 

If it all sounds complicated, well… it used to be. So Christian spent over a year teaching Unbreakable, in various forms, to small groups of men. He finally simplified it to the point that any man could understand it, learn it, and become Unbreakable on his own.


When you apply Unbreakable to your own life, you will finally achieve that long-sought-after, nearly-impossible-to-find confidence that is the hallmark of the top 10% of men.

You’ll bring all of the best parts of yourself into alignment, uncover incredible confidence you didn’t even know you had, and unleash it all with a cool, easygoing charisma. 

You’ll be the sort of guy who women just love to be around, and who they want as their boyfriend. You’ll be in control of your interactions – with men and women both – and you’ll start having a lot more fun. 

Simply put, you’ll “get it”, and your life will never be the same.


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